Anhui Vocational and Technical College 2022 paper statistics table

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Anhui Vocational and Technical College 2022 paper statistics table
序号Title of paper作者Publish a journalSecondary college
1Research on University security Platform based on artificial intelligenceZhou LipingIWECAI 2022Intelligent manufacturing Institute
2Mechanical Structure Design Technology and Process -- Review of Industrial Robot Mechanical SystemZhou Liping铸造Intelligent manufacturing Institute
3Advanced application of electronic control technology in power machineryZhou Liping铸造Intelligent manufacturing Institute
4The exploration and practice of "curriculum thinking and politics" in the course of numerical control specialtyZhou LipingJournal of Yantai Vocational and Technical CollegeIntelligent manufacturing Institute
5Application of mixed teaching mode in electrical automation specialtyTang ShanshanScientific and technological informationIntelligent manufacturing Institute
6Research on energy-saving design technology of electrical automationTang ShanshanAssociation for Science and Technology forumIntelligent manufacturing Institute
7高校课程思政建设中的问题研究及实践探索-以工程材料及成形技术基础为例Zhao HongmeiEducational scienceIntelligent manufacturing Institute
8Research and Analysis of Out-of-Tolerance Problem in Mold Processing Based on IntelligenceKing chrysanthemum wireAdvances in Multimedia VolumeIntelligent manufacturing Institute
9疫情常态化下高职机械类专业教学模式探讨与研究--以《欧洲杯投注赔率》课程为例王男Science and technologyIntelligent manufacturing Institute
10Research on the existing problems and countermeasures in the development of electronic bidding in Anhui ProvinceDou RenweiJournal of Yellow River Conservancy Technical CollegeIntelligent manufacturing Institute
11“四引领三融合”创建“全国党建样板支部”实践——以欧洲杯投注赔率机电工程欧洲杯投注官网app教工党支部为例Dou RenweiWisdom EastIntelligent manufacturing Institute
12Research on high spatial resolution correlation imaging technologyLi NengfeiJournal of quantum electronicsIntelligent manufacturing Institute
13Multi-control modular robot control design based on LabVlEWLi NengfeiComputer knowledge and technologyIntelligent manufacturing Institute
14Application of virtual simulation in the teaching of industrial robot automatic production line workstationLi NengfeiWireless interconnection technologyIntelligent manufacturing Institute
15Evaluation and research of intelligent relay protection automatic test systemYang JixiaChina science and technology informationIntelligent manufacturing Institute
16Improvement analysis of relays in low voltage electrical engineeringYang JixiaChinese place names.Technology and informationIntelligent manufacturing Institute
17Harmonic Analysis of Electric Transmission System of New Energy VehicleXie XiaominJournal of Strategic Planning for Energy and the EnvironmentIntelligent manufacturing Institute
18Research on fault diagnosis structure of tcas systemXie Xiaomin2nd International Conference on Industrial IoT, Big Data, and SupplyChain, 2021, Macao, ChinaIntelligent manufacturing Institute
19Quantitative Analysis of Fault Diagnosis Based on Fault Tree ReasoningXie XiaominProceedings-2021 3rd International Conference on Applied Machine Learning, ICAML2021Intelligent manufacturing Institute
20Research on Recognition Method of Circuit Fault Diagnosis Model Based on Neural Network Fuzzy ClusteringXie XiaominProceedings-2021 3rd International Conference on Applied Machine Learning, ICAML2021Intelligent manufacturing Institute
21Research on A Fuzzy Clustering Partition Analysis Method for Circuit Fault DiagnosisXie XiaominProceedings-2021 3rd International Conference on Applied Machine Learning, ICAML2021Intelligent manufacturing Institute
22Research on Component-level Fault of TCAS ProcessorXie Xiaomin4th International Conference on Information Technologies and Electrical Engineering, ICITEE2021Intelligent manufacturing Institute
23TCAS System Fault Research and Troubleshooting ProcessXie XiaominAdvanced Intelligent Technologies for Industry Intelligent manufacturing Institute
24Failure causes and diagnosis analysis of automotive engine mechanical systemXu DingkunVehicle test reportIntelligent manufacturing Institute
25Research on the system and path of combined training of German technology for manufacturing majors in higher vocational colleges蒋强Modern vocational educationIntelligent manufacturing Institute
26基于MeanShift算法和DM642的图像跟踪系统设计的蒋强Journal of Guangzhou Navigation InstituteIntelligent manufacturing Institute
27Cosine coding multiplexing high spatial resolution correlation imaging researchLi NengfeiJournal of quantum electronicsIntelligent manufacturing Institute
28Application of driving teaching in economics course teaching in higher vocational collegesCheng YuhuaScientistInstitute of Smart Finance
29Discussion on the implementation of multimedia situational teaching of basic accounting course of finance and economics in higher vocational collegesCheng YuhuaScience and lifeInstitute of Smart Finance
30The exploration and practice of integrating artisan spirit into ideological and political theory courses in higher vocational colleges魏纯前卫Institute of Smart Finance
31Study on the value and path of integrating model worker spirit into ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities魏纯A new generationInstitute of Smart Finance
32Research on the effective integration of landscape design and construction skills competition and professional teachingChen WeiranEducational scienceSchool of Arts and Creativity
33Research on the Design of Bright Clothing for the Elderly Based on Intelligent Detection of Lower Limb Posture Antifall SensorsZhang WenhuiJournal of SensorsSchool of Arts and Creativity
34Research on the integration and innovation of intangible cultural heritage "Xiabu" in modern clothing designZhang WenhuiJournal of Anhui Vocational and Technical CollegeSchool of Arts and Creativity
35Analysis of the influence of plastic arts on landscape constructionHan LebinChinese place names · Technology and InformationSchool of Arts and Creativity
36Research on reform of teaching mode of landscape design course for environmental art majorHan LebinNational culture · Teaching and practiceSchool of Arts and Creativity
37Research and practice on the teaching reform of stage film and television modeling in the specialty of character imageRuan MengdiTeacher WeeklySchool of Arts and Creativity
38The exploration on the cultivation of professional talents in higher vocational character image designRuan MengdiHorizons of Science and EducationSchool of Arts and Creativity
39The application of ecological concept in modern landscape architectureZhang WenjunJournal of Pu 'er teaSchool of Arts and Creativity
40Ecological restoration and sustainable landscape design of mining wastelandZhang WenjunAssociation for Science and Technology forumSchool of Arts and Creativity
41Research on the influence of traditional Chinese art color on visual communication effect of graphic designZeng XianfengPopular digestSchool of Arts and Creativity
42Research on training mode of art talents in vocational colleges based on work-study combination韦坤Literary worldSchool of Arts and Creativity
43The existing problems and countermeasures in the teaching of art design major in colleges and universitiesZha JingbingLiterary worldSchool of Arts and Creativity
44Recommendation Algorithm of Web-Based Learning Resources considering Timeliness and PopularityHan XiaoluAdvances in MultimediaModern business college
45Influences of Online Practice Community on Instructors" Blended Teaching Behaviors: Analysis Based on an Extended UTAUT ModelHan XiaoluMathematical Problems in EngineeringModern business college
46 Exploration of ideological and political implementation path of modern logistics management professional curriculum in higher vocational schools  Ma Yunxia, Liu YihuaLiterary worldModern business college
47Study on personal income tax collection and management of e-commerce anchorsJuliliModern marketingModern business college
48Cross-border e-commerce independent station operation strategy researchJuliliModernization of shopping mallsModern business college
49Development status and strategy analysis of Chinese small and medium-sized international freight forwarding enterprisesKan QiaoqiaoLogistics TimesModern business college
50Research on the development mode and path of Chinese Cultural and creative parksKan QiaoqiaoIndustrial innovation researchModern business college
51提质培优背景下职业院校继续欧洲杯投注赔率改革路径探究——以《欧洲杯投注官网app》课程实践为例Ji JingyaBeautiful ChinaModern business college
52提质培优背景下高职院校电子商务高水平专业群建设路径探究——以欧洲杯投注赔率为例Ji JingyaWisdom EastModern business college
53Research on marketing strategy of cross-border e-commerce of intangible cultural relics handicrafts in ChinaJi JingyaScience and technologyModern business college
54Research on the teaching of Human Resource Management under the background of 1+X certificate system徐倩Think tank ageModern business college
55Analysis of marketing strategies of enterprises under the background of new media徐倩锦绣Modern business college
56Research on the path of network education in higher vocational colleges under new media environment徐倩Educational researchModern business college
57Research on the development of short video marketing under the background of social e-commerce徐倩Brand researchModern business college
58Problems and countermeasures of enterprise marketing in the new media era沈毅Science and lifeModern business college
59Problems and countermeasures of logistics talent training in higher vocational colleges under the trend of number intelligenceSun YingyingComputer campusModern business college
60Research on project management of electronic product marketing based on life cycle theorySun YingyingLiterary worldModern business college
61Research on teaching mode of marketing specialty group in higher vocational colleges based on 1+X certificate systemDu ShulinChinese emergency management scienceModern business college
62Research on Training mechanism of composite marketing professional skills talents based on 1+X certificate systemDu ShulinAssociation for Science and Technology forumModern business college
63Study on application of discharge dyeing in cotton fabric tie-dyeing process姚骏Shandong Textile TechnologyModern fashion institute
64Design and manufacture of detachable patchwork quilting table flagChen ShuzhenTextile industry and technologyModern fashion institute
65Traditional clothing based on digital technology is presented in conservation researchWei YingkaiLeather making and environmental technologyModern fashion institute
66Silk scarf pattern design based on fractal softwareChen XiufangJournal of Wuhan Textile UniversityModern fashion institute
67Analysis of clothing teaching strategy based on school-enterprise cooperationZhao JianzhangLiterary worldModern fashion institute
68Research on the reform of art design teaching in the "Internet +" eraZhao JianzhangScience and lifeModern fashion institute
69The application of auspicious patterns in the design of small jacquard fabrics余琴Wool spinning technologyModern fashion institute
70The application of Hui-style architectural pattern in sweater pattern design余琴Knitting industryModern fashion institute
71Preparation and properties of polyphenylene sulfide/high temperature antioxidant composite masterbatch余琴Journal of Wuhan Textile UniversityModern fashion institute
72Value-added evaluation design of online courses based on big data余琴Journal of Fuyang Vocational and Technical CollegeModern fashion institute
73于PDCA循环的“岗课赛证融通”人才培养模式研究——以纺织品设计专业为例余琴Textile industry and technologyModern fashion institute
74An Overview of Hierarchical Design of Textile-Based Sensor in
Wearable Electronics
Wu SongmeicrystalsModern fashion institute
75Cotton/linen interwoven lightweight comfortable casual shirt fabric development practice张勇Journal of Hunan Institute of Technology (Natural Science Edition)Modern fashion institute
76Pure cotton imitation hemp style casual shirt fabric development张勇Journal of Henan Institute of Engineering (Natural Science Edition)Modern fashion institute
77Development of high grade cotton yarn-dyed non-ironing shirt fabric张勇Journal of Liaodong University (Natural Science Edition)Modern fashion institute
78Hui culture and its times value张勇Journal of Wuhu Vocational and Technical CollegeModern fashion institute
79Textile plaid design based on JWildfire softwareHao WenjieJournal of Wuhan Textile UniversityModern fashion institute
80艺术类课程思政实践研究--以服装设计基础课程为例,Journal of Anhui Vocational and Technical CollegeHao WenjieJournal of Anhui Vocational and Technical CollegeModern fashion institute
81Difficulties in the integration of production and education in vocational education and its countermeasuresZhang DechengTechnology and innovationModern fashion institute
82Design and development of flame-retardant anti-ultraviolet full blackout curtain fabricZhang DechengProgress in textile science and technologyModern fashion institute
83Research on urban tourism image evaluation based on tourist perceptionLi LiliTravel overviewSchool of Culture and Tourism
84Research on exhibition space design method based on Anhui characteristic culture张津居舍School of Culture and Tourism
85Exploration and research on ideological and political construction of college curriculum -- taking exhibition space design course as an example张津Journal of Anhui Vocational and Technical CollegeSchool of Culture and Tourism
86Tourism cultural and creative design of Chizhou Nuo Opera mask from the perspective of intangible heritage张津Contemporary tourismSchool of Culture and Tourism
87Research and Development of Tea Culture Course in the Teaching of Secretarial Majors in Higher Vocational CollegesLu Yixuan科研School of Culture and Tourism
88Research on the economic development of Anhui Night Cultural tourism under the background of cultural and tourism integrationPan Yini漫旅School of Culture and Tourism
89Practical writing reform based on curriculum ideological and political ideasYu XiaohanChinese teachersSchool of Culture and Tourism
90The application of situational teaching in social etiquette courses in higher vocational collegesYu XiaohanEducation WeekSchool of Culture and Tourism
91An analysis on the curriculum design of higher vocational tourism service etiquette from the perspective of core literacyHuwang Mei漫旅School of Culture and Tourism
92浅谈语言学的基本体系与发展——评《欧洲杯投注赔率》Liu GuodongChinese constructionSchool of Culture and Tourism
93课程思政提升高职旅游类专业学生职业素质的路径探索——以《欧洲杯投注官网app》课程为例汪婷Green technologySchool of Culture and Tourism
94Research on the development of cultural and creative districts in Hefei under the background of cultural and tourism integration汪婷Journal of Hefei Normal UniversitySchool of Culture and Tourism
95高职“大学语文”课程任务驱动教学设计与实施—以《欧洲杯投注赔率》教学为例Li LaojiaoEducational perspectiveSchool of Culture and Tourism
96On the "humanization" provisions in the application for subsistence allowance缪惠Educational perspectiveSchool of Culture and Tourism
97The evolution of the image of matchmaker in ancient literature -- from the legend of Tang Dynasty to the novels of Ming and Qing DynastiesWang YawenJournal of Heze UniversitySchool of Culture and Tourism
98Inheritance and development of mythological archetypes in the Classic of Mountains and Seas in contemporary network novelsWang YawenOverseas abstractsSchool of Culture and Tourism
99An analysis of English translation skills of literary works from a cross-cultural perspectiveWang YawenEra educationSchool of Culture and Tourism
100Chinese water culture into college Chinese teaching strategyWang YawenTeaching and research expositionSchool of Culture and Tourism
101The dramatization of the Night of the Iguana赵荃花溪School of Foreign Languages
102课程思政背景下高职英语学科核心素养培养路径探究——以公共英语课程为例周玮Literary worldSchool of Foreign Languages
103基于“产出导向法”的微课设计—以“2021年外语微课征集与交流活动”高职组一等奖作品为例周玮Popular digestSchool of Foreign Languages
104On the release of the function of "moral cultivation" in English teaching in higher vocational colleges梅玲Teacher weeklySchool of Foreign Languages
105A study on English teaching mode in higher vocational colleges under curriculum ideological and political conceptsHe WenwenTeaching and researchSchool of Foreign Languages
106An analysis of tourism English teaching paths in higher vocational colleges under the background of cultural and tourism integrationHe WenwenChinese teachersSchool of Foreign Languages
107Model exploration and practice innovation of English teaching in higher vocational collegesHe WenwenEra educationSchool of Foreign Languages
108The cultivation of students' language ability in English Language and literature in vocational collegesYu JingjingLiterary worldSchool of Foreign Languages
109“后疫情”时代下高职公共英语写作类课程教学模式思考研究——以外研社杯高职写作大赛为例刘琳Era educationSchool of Foreign Languages
110Relationship Between Language and Thought: Linguistic Determinism, Independence, or Interaction?李婧Journal of Contemporary Educational ResearchSchool of Foreign Languages
111A Brief Analysis of the Interpersonal Meaning in English Resignation Letters-A Systemic Functional Approach李婧Scientific Journal Of Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of Foreign Languages
112Reform and exploration of English teaching in higher vocational colleges from the perspective of "Promoting teaching through competition"Xu Xiaoqin教育School of Foreign Languages
113A study on the cultivation of intercultural communicative competence in college English teachingXu XiaoqinEducational scienceSchool of Foreign Languages
114Thinking on the development of physical education in higher vocational colleges under the background of vocational education reformBao DaweiEducational innovationSchool of Physical Education and Health
115On the effective development of physical education teaching in higher vocational collegesBao DaweiScience and lifeSchool of Physical Education and Health
116Research on the reform of physical education teaching in higher vocational colleges guided by vocational ability trainingBao DaweiScientistSchool of Physical Education and Health
117Research on online and offline mixed physical education teaching mode in higher vocational colleges in the "Internet +" eraFang MeiqinScience and lifeSchool of Physical Education and Health
118Application and method analysis of mixed teaching mode in physical education teaching of higher vocational collegesFang MeiqinVideo weeklySchool of Physical Education and Health
119Research on the strategy of physical training in aerobics teaching in higher vocational collegesFang MeiqinAnimation (Teaching and Creation)School of Physical Education and Health
120Research on online and offline mixed teaching mode of higher vocational physical education张茜Science and lifeSchool of Physical Education and Health
121Research on the reform and innovation of physical education teaching in higher vocational colleges under the background of moral cultivation张茜Bilingual education researchSchool of Physical Education and Health
122Analysis of new thinking of physical education reform in higher vocational colleges from the perspective of multimedia张茜Animation teaching and creationSchool of Physical Education and Health
123The path of new media technology in campus football reform汤杰Science and education forumSchool of Physical Education and Health
124Research on the present situation and countermeasures of football club teaching mode in Anhui Province汤杰 Educational innovationSchool of Physical Education and Health
125The application of mental skill training in football technique teaching汤杰Science and lifeSchool of Physical Education and Health
126Influence of Tabata method of high intensity interval training on physical fitness of volleyball playersLiu WenpingJournal of Lanzhou University of Arts and SciencesSchool of Physical Education and Health
127Fast tracking method of volleyball frontal spike trajectory based on bee swarm algorithmLiu WenpingJournal of Lanzhou Institute of TechnologySchool of Physical Education and Health
128Study on the influence of dance sports on some physical skill indexes of female college studentsLiu WenpingScience and lifeSchool of Physical Education and Health
129Analysis on the role of sports park in healthy cityLiu WenpingScience and technologySchool of Physical Education and Health
130Research on the application of mixed teaching mode in physical education teaching of higher vocational colleges周勋Bilingual education researchSchool of Physical Education and Health
131The practice and approach analysis of the integration of PE teaching and curriculum ideology and politics in higher vocational colleges周勋New era educationSchool of Physical Education and Health
132How to cultivate students' sports accomplishment and professional ability in physical education teaching in higher vocational colleges周勋Science and lifeSchool of Physical Education and Health
133Research on shooting training methods in college sports basketball teachingLu WenshengPopular digestSchool of Physical Education and Health
134Study on the feasibility of introducing the thinking mode of outward bound training into high school basketball teachingLu WenshengNew life of scienceSchool of Physical Education and Health
135An empirical study on the effect of fun games on physical education classroom teaching in higher vocational colleges王亮Chinese teachersSchool of Physical Education and Health
136On the innovation of higher vocational physical education with vocational education as the guide王亮Educational researchSchool of Physical Education and Health
137An analysis on the development of physical education training in vocational colleges王亮Animation teaching and creationSchool of Physical Education and Health
138Discussion on physical education teaching in higher vocational schools from the perspective of vocational educationLiu MengnanStyle education innovationSchool of Physical Education and Health
139Reform and practice path of ideological and political teaching in higher vocational physical education under the strategy of sports powerLiu MengnanScientistSchool of Physical Education and Health
140Common injuries and preventive measures of amateur tennis participants柳磊Science and lifeSchool of Physical Education and Health
141The effective application of sports games in tennis teaching in higher vocational colleges柳磊Science and lifeSchool of Physical Education and Health
142Application of task-driven teaching method in tennis teaching in higher vocational colleges柳磊Scientific and technological informationSchool of Physical Education and Health
143The application of situational teaching mode in the tennis classroom teaching in higher vocational colleges柳磊ScientistSchool of Physical Education and Health
144Prevention and treatment of knee joint injury in tennis柳磊ScientistSchool of Physical Education and Health
145The influence of integrating outward bound training into aerobics course of higher vocational colleges on students' physical quality 吴燕 Education WeeklySchool of Physical Education and Health
146Research on teaching practice of ethnic traditional physical education course in vocational colleges吴燕Contemporary sportsSchool of Physical Education and Health
147On the importance of optimizing physical education curriculum in higher vocational colleges to improve students' physical health吴燕ScientistSchool of Physical Education and Health
148The application of quality development training in physical education teaching in higher vocational colleges吴燕Computer campusSchool of Physical Education and Health
149Research on teaching strategies of college physical education from the perspective of lifelong fitness Li RuonanChinese teaching staffSchool of Physical Education and Health
150“双减”政策下游戏化体育教学助力小学生体质健康的应用研究Li RuonanScientistSchool of Physical Education and Health
151Optimal design of electric vehicle motor operating parametersZhang Shucheng Journal of Huangshan UniversitySchool of automotive Engineering
152Analysis and control of automotive rear-view mirror vibration and noiseWei HaihuAuto ExpoSchool of automotive Engineering
153Research on optimal control of active suspension based on improved genetic algorithm陈颖Times AutomobileSchool of automotive Engineering
154"New Energy Vehicle Technology" course ideological and political exploration and practice陈颖Times AutomobileSchool of automotive Engineering
155Alienation, diversity and reshaping: a study of social psychological maturity in the post-epidemic era郑娟Journal of Taishan UniversityInstitute of Marxism
156The value of educating people in higher vocational colleges in the new era郑娟Journal of Ezhou UniversityInstitute of Marxism
157浅述思想政治教育内容的现代性发展——基于《欧洲杯投注赔率》中的社会存在与社会关系原理郑娟Science and lifeInstitute of Marxism
158An analysis of the youth education view in the period of Beiyang Warlord郑娟Guide · New Age EducationInstitute of Marxism
159Thinking on the course construction of "Situation and Policy" in higher vocational colleges under the background of ideological and political scienceHou XiuliNational Literature (Teaching and Practice)Institute of Marxism
160The realistic dilemma and countermeasures of network ideological and political education in the post-epidemic eraHou XiuliScience and lifeInstitute of Marxism
161Reflections on the construction of teaching resources for innovation and entrepreneurship education under the background of the normalization of epidemicDu XiaohanScience and technologyEmployment, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Guidance Center
162Trans-1,4-polyisoprene (TPI)) Extracted from Eucommia   bark as Natural Corrosion Inhibitor for Carbon Steel in the Simulated Concrete Pore SolutionLiu ChunyingInternational Journal of
School of Architectural Engineering
163Reforming technology of decomposing furnace treating organic waste liquidHuang Yongzhen水泥School of Architectural Engineering
164Seismic nonlinear vibration control algorithm for high-rise buildings刘茜Nonlinear EngineerinSchool of Architectural Engineering
165Mechanical Performance Test and Numerical Simulation Analysis of
Building Steel Plate and Concrete Composite Structure
刘茜Internationg lourg" of Anoltira! Chemistry School of Architectural Engineering
166Electrochemical Mechanical Properties of Beam-Column Joints of Building Steel Structures under Impact Loads刘茜Journal Of ChemistrySchool of Architectural Engineering
167Corresponding lntelligent Calculation of the Whole Process of Building Civil Engineering Structure Based on Deep Learning刘茜Scientific ProgrammingSchool of Architectural Engineering
168Give play to the role of basic-level party organizations as fighting fortressesNi CuipingTechnology and lifeSchool of Computer and Information
169An improved iterative algorithm of order 1/n based on function value Thiele continued fraction approximation郭巧Journal of Changchun Normal UniversitySchool of Computer and Information Technology
170职业院校Skill contest引领专业内涵建设的实践探索——以欧洲杯投注赔率计算机网络技术专业为例Hu Chunlei, LI Jingwen, Qin XiaobinJournal of Anhui Water Conservancy and Hydropower Technical CollegeSchool of Computer and Information Technology
171Design of 3D NoC communication architecture based on dual port RNIHu Chunlei, Bi Jiajia, Fang JieJournal of Yancheng Institute of Technology (Natural Science)School of Computer and Information Technology
172AES encryption based communication sensitive information theft prevention control method肖峰Chengdu Institute of TechnologySchool of Computer and Information Technology
173Hole repair method of wireless multi-hop network based on improved artificial neural network肖峰Journal of Ningxia Normal UniversitySchool of Computer and Information Technology
174fpga implementation and algorithm optimization of exponential function刘恒Journal of Langfang Normal University (Natural Science Edition)School of Computer and Information Technology
175Failure cause analysis of electronic componentsLin Huangzhi, Tian LiuJournal of Taiyuan University (Natural Science Edition)School of Computer and Information Technology
176Research on online course construction of Analog Electronic TechnologyNiu FengwenEducation frontierSchool of Computer and Information Technology
177Research on detection of similar duplicate records in big data based on K-modes clustering张平Journal of Anhui Vocational and Technical CollegeSchool of Computer and Information Technology
178K-means based detection of similar duplicate records in big data张平Modern information technologySchool of Computer and Information Technology
179“1+X”证书制度下高职计算机专业改革的探索与实践——以欧洲杯投注赔率为例张平Education and Social SciencesSchool of Computer and Information Technology
180Similar Duplicate Record Detection of Big Data Based on Entropy Grouping Clustering张平AEMCSE2022School of Computer and Information Technology
181焊接机器人TCP全自动标定方法研究焊接机器人TCP全自动标定方法研究焊接机器人TCP全自动标定方法研究焊接机器人TCP全自动标定方法研究陈锋Journal of Changchun Normal UniversitySchool of Computer and Information Technology
182Design of mine information acquisition system based on LoRa technology陈锋Journal of Guilin Institute of Aerospace TechnologySchool of Computer and Information Technology
183Examining and Mitigating Gender Bias in Text Emotion Detection TaskUdabalaneurocomputingSchool of Computer and Information Technology
184Dynamic nonlinear expression recognition technology using neural network and attention machanismUdabalafractals-complex geometry patterns and scaling in nature and societySchool of Computer and Information Technology
185Research on embedded system course teaching method under "1+X" certificate platform陈琛Computer and telecommunicationsSchool of Computer and Information Technology
186“1+x”证书制度对高职计算机网络技术人才培训模式的影响研究孙骏Frontiers of higher educationSchool of Computer and Information Technology
187Discussion on class management strategies of counselors in higher vocational colleges under the background of "enrollment expansion by millions"Muang Fei-longEconomic and social development researchCollege of Environment and Life Health
188Synthesis characterization and evaluation of β-cyclodextrin and α-tocopherol clathrates曹川Journal of Jilin University of Agricultural Science and TechnologyCollege of Environment and Life Health
189Comparative study on the structure and physicochemical of waxy rice starch by phosphorylation, lactylation and dual-modified曹川Food Science and TechnologyCollege of Environment and Life Health
190Formation and molecular dynamics simulation of inclusioncomplex of large-ring cyclodextrin and 4-terpineol曹川Journal of Food ScienceCollege of Environment and Life Health
191Research on regional collaborative cultivation of highly skilled grain talents under the background of Yangtze River Delta regional integration曹川Research on food problemsCollege of Environment and Life Health
192Preparation of cetyl alcohol/high density polyethylene phase change material with high thermal conductivitySun WenjuanJournal of Jingdezhen CollegeCollege of Environment and Life Health
193Study on the preparation and properties of paraffin-based phase change materials for miningSun WenjuanAnhui Chemical IndustryCollege of Environment and Life Health
194Mechanical analysis of 20/316L bimetal composite pipe formed
by spinning
Xu WenbinSN Applied SciencesCollege of Environment and Life Health
195Facile preparation of iron-anchored graphite cloth through saltimmersion and sintering approaches and its application to the electro-Fenton catalytic system as a cathodeChen SonglinChemical papersCollege of Environment and Life Health
196生态环境保护领域PPP项目招投标中评审指标与方法的创新与优化研究张波Journal of Changzhou Institute of TechnologyCollege of Environment and Life Health
197Research on the establishment and application of virtual simulation training base for polymer materialsGuo ChenchenAnhui Chemical IndustryCollege of Environment and Life Health
198Investigation of Pb(II) biosorption from aqueous media via Erwinin sp. isolated from the heavy metal-containing soils刘磊Desalination and Water TreatmentCollege of Environment and Life Health
199Research progress of methods for the detection of heavy metals in food Wang AnxingChinese food additivesCollege of Environment and Life Health
200Teaching design and practice of "Physical Chemistry" based on MOOC Wang AnxingAnhui Chemical IndustryCollege of Environment and Life Health
201Research on the development of resource-based city transformation: A case study of Wuhai CityYuan GuojunChina construction informatizationCollege of Environment and Life Health
202Research on the development of resource-based cities under the dual carbon form - A case study of Wuhai CityYuan GuojunScience and technologyCollege of Environment and Life Health
203Discussion on the transformation of resource-based cities - taking Wuhai City as an exampleYuan GuojunArchitectural practiceCollege of Environment and Life Health
204Discussion on the transformation countermeasures of resource-exhausted cities under the situation of "dual carbon"Yuan GuojunChina science and technology informationCollege of Environment and Life Health
205Preparation of ferric molybdate by hydrothermal method and its Fenton-like catalytic propertiesDu YongfangAnhui Chemical IndustryCollege of Environment and Life Health
206Nanofibrous, hierarchically porous poly(ether sulfone) xerogels templated from gel emulsions for removing organic vapors and particulate mattersXie King KongColloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and
Engineering Aspects
College of Environment and Life Health
207Research progress of borate compoundsXie King KongAnhui Chemical IndustryCollege of Environment and Life Health
208Effect of transient external electric field stimulation on the performance of MFC郭婧Green technologyCollege of Environment and Life Health
209The value, problem and path of new form teaching material construction under the background of "Three Education" reform郭婧Era educationCollege of Environment and Life Health
210Variations of Soil Chemical Properties and Microbial Community around the Acid Reservoir in the Mining Area郭婧sustainabilityCollege of Environment and Life Health
211Analysis of wastewater treatment technology and method in environmental protection projectWang ZhenliWisdom EastCollege of Environment and Life Health
212Prediction and modeling of coke quality based on multiple regression analysis王伟Journal of Xinxiang CollegeCollege of Environment and Life Health
213Study on photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B by niobium-doped zinc oxide and its mechanismChen GuijuanJournal of Changchun Normal UniversityCollege of Environment and Life Health
214Research on cultivating strategies of college students' positive social mentality in the new era杨珍Journal of Changchun Normal UniversitySchool of Public Administration
215Research on the practice of university education management reform in the Internet era王娟Chinese Journal of EducationSchool of Public Administration
216The inspiration of Hawthorne experiment to mobilize the enthusiasm of university staffYin Lijuan明日School of Public Administration
217Survey and strategy research on service talent gap in elderly care institutionsZhu FengliJournal of Chongqing University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition)School of Public Administration
218An analysis on the construction path of smart community management under the background of vocational education undergraduate程晨锦绣School of Public Administration
219Strengthen ideological and political education of young people with the Party's innovative theory in the new eraYu TingtingJournal of Suzhou UniversitySchool of Public Administration
220协同治理视角下县级城市社区治理困境与对策——以安徽省T县为例Yu TingtingJournal of Anhui Vocational and Technical CollegeSchool of Public Administration
221应用型专业校社合作建设实践和改进策略——以公共管理与服务类专业为例Yu TingtingJournal of West Anhui UniversitySchool of Public Administration
222Crisis intervention of meaning therapy for hospice patientsYu TingtingEconomic and social development researchSchool of Public Administration
223A survey of college students' attitude toward professional psychological help -- taking H University as an exampleYu TingtingShandong youthSchool of Public Administration
224Exploration and research on the cultivation strategy of innovative talents under the model of makerspaceWang Junfeng锦绣School of Public Administration
225Innovative countermeasures of human resource management in small and medium-sized enterprises during the 14th Five-Year Plan periodChen SuqinBusiness circlesSchool of Public Administration

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